It's not a secret...I love Elle Interior Norway because it is a very inspiring magazine and on top of this, they've featured my favourite bag as one of their HOT BUY! So this morning I'm very excited to share with you Cecilie's bedroom who is Elle Interior Norway's Deputy Editor. Her home was recently featured in Elle Interior Norway so we also get beautiful images taken by Trine Thorsen. I'm in love with Cecilie's bed...this blend of textures, fabrics and hues of creams and greys are just so inviting and aren't these little porcelain figures adorable?
God morgen! Ce n'est pas un secret...j'adore Elle Interior Norway parce que c'est un magazine plein d'idees et d'inspiration et en plus, ils ont publie recemment mon sac prefere dans leur liste des HOT BUY! Donc ce matin, je suis tres heureuse de partager avec vous la chambre de Cecilie, qui est Redactrice en Chef chez Elle Interior Norward. Sa maison a ete recemment publie dans le magazine pour lequel elle travaille et donc nous avons egalement la chance d'avoir de jolies photos prises par Trine Thorsen. J'adore le lit de Cecilie...ce melange de tissus, textures et ces tons de blanc casses et gris rendent son lit tres accueillant et ces petites figurines en porcelaine ne sont-elles pas adorable?

★★From Cecilie★★
"I am in love with my bedroom. Utterly and completely. The grey that covers all of the walls is perfect, making it cool and breezy in summer and warm and snugly in winter. Also, I love going to sleep being surrounded by things I care about, like the sculpture of a child I inherited from my grandmother, the alabaster egg bought on a trip to Italy and all the white porcelain figurines I’ve picked up at flea markets, bought new or been given by my other grandmother «just because they are so ‘you’». I like the fact that the Hee chair from Danish brand Hay is so strikingly «modern», almost cold, compared to the softness of the rest of the room. All in all? Utter bliss"
"I am in love with my bedroom. Utterly and completely. The grey that covers all of the walls is perfect, making it cool and breezy in summer and warm and snugly in winter. Also, I love going to sleep being surrounded by things I care about, like the sculpture of a child I inherited from my grandmother, the alabaster egg bought on a trip to Italy and all the white porcelain figurines I’ve picked up at flea markets, bought new or been given by my other grandmother «just because they are so ‘you’». I like the fact that the Hee chair from Danish brand Hay is so strikingly «modern», almost cold, compared to the softness of the rest of the room. All in all? Utter bliss"
Previously on A Corner of my bedroom:
Mine in London, It's Oh from Switzerland, Vosges Paris from Amsterdam, Sfgirlbybay from San-Francisco, HomeShoppingSpy from London, Kavka design from Poland, Designers' Block from Northumberland, Imke Klee/A View To from Paris, Emma Cassi in London, Casalil from Lille
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